If you want to get the number of records that were updated, inserted, or deleted by your query, you would read the RecordsAffected property on the object that executed your query after it had run.
'Copied from a normal module
'We set a reference to the CurrentDb object once so that we can pass this to the ExecuteSQL function.
'Then the ExecuteSQL does an arDB.Execute sSQL at some point and then uses
'arDB.RecordsAffected to get that number of records.
Public Function ExecuteSQL_GetRecordsAffected(sSQL As String) As Long
Dim arDB As DAO.Database
Set arDB = CurrentDb
ExecuteSQL sSQL, arDB
ExecuteSQL_GetRecordsAffected = arDB.RecordsAffected
Set arDB = Nothing
End Function
So the above function was written to use another function, ExecuteSQL which takes an SQL string and an optional DAO database. Here is that function:
Public Sub ExecuteSQL(SQL As String, Optional ByRef dbCurrent As DAO.Database)
Dim SetDbToNothing As Boolean
If dbCurrent Is Nothing Then
Set dbCurrent = CurrentDb
SetDbToNothing = True
End If
Dim MultipleStatements As Variant
Dim SQLele As Variant
If InStr(SQL, ";") <> 0 Then MultipleStatements = SplitSQLStatements(SQL) Else MultipleStatements = Array(SQL)
For Each SQLele In MultipleStatements
If SQLele <> "" Then dbCurrent.Execute SQLele, dbSeeChanges
Next SQLele
If SetDbToNothing Then Set dbCurrent = Nothing
End Sub
I wrote this so I could handle multiple SQL statements separated by semicolons. I am using an additional helper function called SplitSQLStatements to make sure I’m not splitting on semicolons inside of single quotes, but there are other situations where semicolons could be used (maybe in a SQL comment or if you are using parameters in your SQL statement maybe) Here is the SplitSQLStatements function:
Public Function SplitSQLStatements(sqlString As String) As Variant
Dim sqlArray() As String
Dim currentStatement As String
Dim inString As Boolean
Dim char As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim statements As Collection
Set statements = New Collection
currentStatement = ""
inString = False
For i = 1 To Len(sqlString)
char = Mid(sqlString, i, 1)
' Check if we are entering or exiting a string
If char = "'" Then
inString = Not inString
End If
' If we encounter a semicolon and we are not inside a string, split here
If char = ";" And Not inString Then
statements.Add Trim(currentStatement)
currentStatement = ""
currentStatement = currentStatement & char
End If
Next i
' Add the last statement if there is any
If Trim(currentStatement) <> "" Then
statements.Add Trim(currentStatement)
End If
' Convert the collection to an array
ReDim sqlArray(1 To statements.Count)
For i = 1 To statements.Count
sqlArray(i) = statements(i)
Next i
SplitSQLStatements = sqlArray
End Function
Now let’s say you want to run a Passthrough Query against SQL Server and want to get the RecordsAffected. In that case you cannot use this method. You must use either a second query on the same connection to get the recordcount using special SQL Server syntax, or you need to create a stored procedure in SQL Server that will return the number of affected records. For more information on this see this article on StackOverflow: