Access JumpStart 2.0 | Blog

A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access

I had a friend ask me for more info about using access files as libraries, so here is some info I gathered up:

First off is a link to a file Steve Halder created when researching building our library for our Access JumpStart product. This has a lot of info and sample code and is provided here in Word docx format:

Next is a link to an old article I have on this site which provides a quick and dirty walk through to add another Access file as a library reference to your current Access file.

And here is some more reading about using Access Databases as libraries from Daniel Pineault at

Finally, here is an article by Mike Wolfe at explaining why he DOESN’T use accdb files as references and instead maintains a folder of text files to use for his code library:

Hope you’ve enjoyed this collection of materials!