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A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access

Recently, a customer requested that all changes to their form be logged and added to the email that is sent to the project manager associated with the project assigned to the form.  I found some code to walk a form during the BeforeUpdate routine and look for and record fields that have been updated.  Another user modified it to show friendly user names of the fields from the Status Bar property of the control if available, and also to show  column 1 in Combo boxes and List boxes instead of column 0 with just the data (like an id number).  I modified this code further to dynamically find the first column in the dropdown or listbox that was displayed to the user, and also the bound column.  Here is the main function that would go in a Module:

Public Function fncChangedFields(frm As Access.Form) As String
 ' This function checks a form to see if any of the bound controls
 ' have had their values modified from their original values (from
 ' when the record was first loaded). If any have, a user friendly string
 ' with a list of the names of those controls' underlying fields OR the
 ' status bar property if available as a user friendly alternative name
 ' is returned.  Prepended to the string is a timestamp and would also
 ' be a great place to put a user name if you have that information.
 ' If no fields have been changed, then a zero-length string is returned.
 ' Written by: Dirk Goldgar, DataGnostics LLC
 ' Copyright (c) 2011, DataGnostics LLC.
 ' You are free to use this code in your application, so long
 ' as the copyright notice remains unchanged.
 ' Additional code Written by: Mark Annett, ISPManSys LLC Copyright (c) 2011, ISPManSys LLC.
 ' Further modifications written by: Jonathan Halder Copyright (c) 2021, Halder Consulting, Inc.
 Dim ctl As Access.Control
 Dim varOldValue As Variant
 Dim varNewValue As Variant
 Dim strChangeList As String
 Dim strIntro As String
 Dim blnChanged As Boolean
 Dim lngError As Long
 ' In my case, I use a function to get my application user name.  I am using the
 ' RDF framework my company developed which can pick up the user name from the
 ' windows login or has a completely self contained login plugin that you can
 ' set up and use that logged in user here
 strIntro = "At " & Now() & ", USER: " & RDF.UserLogin & " changed:"
 For Each ctl In frm.Controls
  ' Attachment fields are not supported with this code due to special processing
  ' that is needed.  There are other underlying fields and there is no OldValue
  ' property for this content type.
  If ctl.ControlType <> 126 Then   'Skip because it is an attachment field
 blnChanged = False
 On Error Resume Next
 varOldValue = ctl.OldValue
 lngError = Err.Number
 On Error GoTo Err_Handler
 ' Note: this only picks up bound controls, and only the control types that have the
 ' OldValue property
 If lngError = 0 Then
      varNewValue = ctl.Value   'Store the New Value
      'Has its value been changed?
      If IsNull(varOldValue) Then       'Handle the case when the Old Value is Null
        If Not IsNull(varNewValue) Then   'If the new Value isn't Null then it changed
          blnChanged = True
          'Take care of what to display if Combo and List Boxes THAT ARE NOT MULTI SELECTION
          If ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then  'It is a combo OR List box
            varNewValue = Nz(getControlDisplayed(ctl, varNewValue), varNewValue) 'Use the first displayed column rather than the value
          End If
          If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
            varNewValue = IIf(varNewValue, "Checked", "Unchecked") 'Use the word checked or unchecked for checkboxes
          End If
        End If
        varOldValue = "Null"        'Set the word to be displayed to "Null"
      ElseIf IsNull(varNewValue) Then     'If the New Value is Null then it changed
        blnChanged = True
        varNewValue = "Null"        'Set the word to be displayed to "Null"
        If ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then  'It is a combo OR List box
            varOldValue = Nz(getControlDisplayed(ctl, varOldValue), varOldValue)  'Use the first displayed column
        End If
        If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
            varOldValue = IIf(varOldValue, "Checked", "Unchecked") 'Use the word checked or unchecked for checkboxes
        End If
      ElseIf varNewValue <> varOldValue Then  'Test if they Match or Not
        blnChanged = True
        If ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then  'It is a combo OR List box
            varOldValue = Nz(getControlDisplayed(ctl, varOldValue), varOldValue)    'Use the first displayed column
            varNewValue = Nz(getControlDisplayed(ctl, varNewValue), varNewValue) 'Use the first displayed column rather than the value
        End If
        If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
            varOldValue = IIf(varOldValue, "Checked", "Unchecked") 'Use the word checked or unchecked for checkboxes
            varNewValue = IIf(varNewValue, "Checked", "Unchecked") 'Use the word checked or unchecked for checkboxes
        End If
      End If
      If blnChanged Then
         strChangeList = strChangeList & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & " - "  'Add a line Feed
        If Not (ctl.StatusBarText = "") Then  'If they have Status Bar text use that
           strChangeList = strChangeList & ctl.StatusBarText & " - FROM " & varOldValue & " TO " & varNewValue
          strChangeList = strChangeList & ctl.Name & " - FROM " & varOldValue & " TO " & varNewValue
        End If
      End If
    End If
      ' Deal with Attachments being opened in edit mode by checking some sort of flag
      ' that you set if you do not already have a date modified field on the form.
  End If
 Next ctl
 If Len(strChangeList) > 0 Then
 ' Strip off leading comma+space and return the result.
 fncChangedFields = strIntro & strChangeList
 End If
 Exit Function
 MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error " & Err.Number
 Resume Exit_Point
End Function
Public Function getControlDisplayed(cb As Access.Control, val As Variant) As Variant
   ' Pass cb as either a combobox or list control, val as the value to lookup the displayed text for that value
   ' Note, val must be the same variable type as the bound column in the control
   ' .Value and .OldValue which are being used originally for this function are variants
   ' The function is being used to determine what to display to a non-programmer user of the app
   ' It returns null if it doesn't find a match.  If there is only one column displayed it will
   ' simply return the value the function was passed
   Dim FirstColumnDisplayed As Integer, cw As Variant, cc As Integer, BoundColumn As Integer
   If Nz(cb.ColumnCount, 1) > 1 Then
      cw = Split(cb.ColumnWidths, ";")
      Do While UBound(cw) >= cc
         If Nz(cw(cc), "") = "" Or CLng(Nz(cw(cc), 0)) > 0 Then
            FirstColumnDisplayed = cc
            Exit Do
         End If
         cc = cc + 1
      getControlDisplayed = val
      Exit Function
   End If
   For cc = 1 To cb.ListCount
      If CStr(Nz(cb.Column(cb.BoundColumn - 1, cc - 1), "")) = CStr(Nz(val, "")) Then
         getControlDisplayed = cb.Column(FirstColumnDisplayed, cc - 1)
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next cc
   getControlDisplayed = Null
End Function

And here is the code in my form. I am calling the function each time the BeforeUpdate event occurs and is not cancelled. I have set up a collection which adds the string returned by the function each time the form is updated.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public POModifiedLog As VBA.Collection
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Set Me.POModifiedLog = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    If Not Cancel Then POModifiedLog.Add fncChangedFields(Me)
End Sub

And here is a sample of the output of my collection when concatenating all the strings together.

At 5/31/2021 4:49:02 PM, USER: Jon changed:
- PO Taxable - FROM Unchecked TO Checked
At 5/31/2021 4:49:31 PM, USER: Jon changed:
- CY Add 1 - FROM Null TO 1.0% Darex: Corrosion Inhibitor
- CY Add 1 Price - FROM Null TO 7.5
- CY Add 1 SKU - FROM Null TO NCAD
- CY Add 1 Tax - FROM Y TO N
- CY Add 1 Unit - FROM Null TO CY