by Jonathan Halder | Jul 25, 2024 | MS Access, MS Access Reports
Maybe you read my last message (Hammers and nails, Access and…? | Access JumpStart) and thought, “Yeah, Access does sound like a good fit for my business needs.” But what would you use it for exactly? If you’ve never used Access or any relational...
by Jonathan Halder | Apr 2, 2024 | MS Access, MS Access Forms, MS Access Reports, MS Access VBA Coding
One of my clients was occasionally getting a 2455 error in Access: Run-time error ‘2455’: You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Form/Report. What was happening in this case was that the user had minimized Access and then...
by Jonathan Halder | Mar 29, 2024 | MS Access, MS Access Features, MS Access Forms, MS Access Reports
I had generally used Subforms in Subform/Subreport controls as part of a standard form. I hadn’t even really thought too much about the fact that you could put report objects into a Subform/Subreport control. What pushed me in the direction of using a report in...
by Jonathan Halder | Mar 28, 2024 | MS Access, MS Access Features, MS Access Reports, MS Access VBA Coding
Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? So what do I mean by running Access headless? I am referring to the term headless as it refers to running a machine without user intervention as an automated process. For example, I have some reports that get emailed out at certain...
by Jonathan Halder | Dec 18, 2023 | MS Access, MS Access Features, MS Access Forms, MS Access Queries, MS Access Reports, MS Access Tables, MS Access VBA Coding
Refactoring code is something I do often. Trying to find ways to make things simpler and more readable are two reasons of many that I do this. As I work on code and refactor it, I find myself continually, daily, using tools to find and replace code, and not quite as...
by Jonathan Halder | Jun 4, 2021 | MS Access, MS Access Forms, MS Access Reports
So I had a form that opened a report using a function in another module using DoCmd.OpenReport. This worked fine and the report popped open and appeared to be the active object on the screen. However, it was not. The behavior this caused was that when I clicked on the...