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Cost and Price for custom written software

In the consideration of charging customers for custom software you are writing for them there are different terms here that sometimes get used interchangeably. I’m going to define them for this article as two very distinct and separate things and will do so in...

We aren’t good project time estimators

This is one reason why I don’t like giving time estimates to customers. You know the drill: Customer: So how long is it going to take you to do X? Me: Uh, when do you want it? Customer: Yesterday. Me: Not that fast… how about on Friday? My decision for...

Choosing to write ~daily~

I have just returned from a 12 day absence from my business. One week at a conference, the second with family in another state. I only wrote once during this absence. In my case this was already calculated. I knew I wasn’t going to write much and chose not to...