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A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access
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Access 97 database converted, how do you test with multiple versions of Access?
Thanks to a reader of Jon's Access List, Xevi from Girona in Spain, I received a converted version of the Access 97 Data Scrambler database. The reader used Access 2010 to update the database to a format that could be read by the most recent versions of Access, which...
Help, I have an Access 97 database!
I didn't think this would be a showstopper, but guess what, it is! If you have a version of Access later than 2010, you cannot open an Access 95 or Access 97 database at all. You get a fun error message: And it won't do anything with the database at all. I need not...
Improving, Planning, and Reviewing your own work
I have been following a system for several years now called EOS or Entrepreneurial Operating System: EOS - Entrepreneurial Operating System for Businesses, home of Traction tools & library ( It has helped me create a rythym to my work life,...
Access JumpStart and vbWatchdog
Our Access application framework that Steve and I developed and use to build our apps is called Access JumpStart. It does not include vbWatchdog by default for those who buy our framework, but it contains code to work with vbWatchdog if the developer of the app has...
vbWatchdog Call Stack strategy
After my message yesterday, I updated my strategy a little bit. Yesterday, I added the code to my global error handler that is always called by vbWatchdog. I created a Call Stack string variable every time there was an error regardless of how it was going to get...
Traversing the call stack with vbWatchdog
Just a quick note today. I wanted to add the call stack to my error log messages for my client app. That way I could see the full set of calls that was causing the error and it would help me debug better. For example, if I pass bad SQL to my SQL Executing function, I...
Copying Access Tables / Data using VBA Real World Case – Part 2
I have finished coding the solution. I ended up using DAO after all. The solution grabs a collection containing info about the source and target database paths and table names. Then it loops through the collection, opens the target database, deletes the table if it...
Copying Access Tables / Data using VBA Real World Case – Part 1
I received a task today to update a demo / WIP Access system which will be upgrading an existing Access system. Many parts of the system are the same, the upgrade is meant to address importing data from a new datasource. The customer is currently using both systems...
Access VBA Sometimes Fails Silently
I'm working in Access today and I noticed that a confirmation dialog box I have set up to ask me as a developer if I really want to send an email was not working. Initially I thought it was because of a flag that was failing to get set, but that wasn't it. I kept...
Totally Geeking Out on VBA
So, I was having an email conversation with a regular reader of my Access Adventure and he was discussing the sad lack of documentation for VBA's internals. The engine that runs it and it's various components. Although I have a cursory knowledge of VBA, I have never...
VBA Loops cheat sheet
There are a number of looping structures in VBA. Here is a quick cheat sheet: Loop Types:For <var> = <start> To <end> (Step <amount to add>) / Next <var> For Each <itm> In <array / collection> / Next <itm> Do While...
When to use Macros vs VBA in Microsoft Access
As an Access developer, my typical knee jerk response to Macros is: DON'T USE MACROS, anything a macro can do, VBA can do! However, there are a couple of things macros can be used for that VBA actually can't do. -- GASP -- WHAT??? One thing you can't do with VBA...
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