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A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access
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Pair programming with AI – SDOpenAI – installing the plugin
I am going to test out the free version of the SDOpenAI Access plugin to see how well it works to pair program with. The web site is in German, but I had no problem downloading the executable file (albeit with multiple warning prompts from Edge about being a file that...
Formatting Forms for different screen sizes
A common Access problem when rolling out Access applications to users is differences in screen sizes and monitor resolutions. I have one client in particular that generally uses 1920 x 1080 resolution for most of their users, but the boss uses multiple monitors at an...
Remotely Accessing Access
There are a few strategies you can use to extend the life of Access and make the app available outside of a LAN. Utilizing Remote Desktop of some kind: One way is to use Remote Desktop services. I often just use a VPN to get into a particular LAN where Microsoft...
Double vision – what might a pair programming session look like?
Pair or Mob programming is a collaborative technique where two or more developers work together at one workstation. One writes the code (the Driver) while the other(s) review each line of code as it’s written (the Navigator). Here’s how one might structure an...
What is pair or mob programming? Why do it at all?
Pair Programming and Mob Programming are collaborative approaches to software development that emphasize teamwork and shared responsibility. What is Pair Programming? Pair programming involves two developers working together at one workstation. One developer, known as...
Some vanilla VBA error handling scenarios
Error handling in VBA is crucial for managing runtime errors and ensuring your code runs smoothly. Here's how it works in a couple of different common scenarios: Standard Error in a Single Procedure:When an error occurs in a single procedure, you can use the On Error...
Error Handling in Access JumpStart
How do we deal with Error Handling in a library? This came up because of the NiceDlookup function I've published previously. In that function, the Err object is used to "Raise" errors. The reasoning behind this for this particular function was to make the function...
Pair Programming basics
If you have a project you are working on in Access and are looking for another pair of eyes or some advice on how to work through adding a new feature to your system, you might find pair programming a valuable asset. In order to pair program, you have a few options....
Playing well with other VBA developers
Have you collaborated on an Access database with others? I'd like to do more of this personally. I think sharing experiences of coding with others in terms of pair or mob programming would be fun, informative, and helpful for all involved. Pair or Mob programming...
Using a class as the main application
In the following linked message, I started creating a form and within the form code module I created some local variables to store a class object for accounts and then used the Form Current event to test the form to make sure it was valid before running the Account...
Lazy loading of objects in VBA
Some things you do when designing forms inherently reset the VBA environment. This takes all your existing object variables in that form and resets them. That's why I often use a function to refer to an object to check to make sure it exists before I use it so I don't...
How about a good VBA coding practices bootcamp?
Ok, a while back I asked you about TDD and doing a bootcamp and I did not get too many responses indicating interest in that, so how about a good VBA coding practices bootcamp? I'm thinking about going over practices suggested by Uncle Bob and would start with the...
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