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A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access
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TDD – 051 – Now to refactor the test…
Quick question to my readers: If you know a good way of highlighting the code in an email I'd like to do that. I notice that my code in the email is not marking up properly whereas it looks better on the site itself. I'm using a WordPress feed and the Prismatic plugin...
TDD – 050 – Function refactor successful
Here we are, refactoring this function: Private Function SetFields_ChangeThem_ReturnDictionary(dctFieldName_arrStartAndEndVals As Dictionary) As Dictionary Dim testFormAuditor As FormAuditor Dim itm As Variant For Each itm In dctFieldName_arrStartAndEndVals...
TDD – 049 – Still refactoring the big change I wanted
As I continue to refactor the test, this time I am going to try to create the dictionary object I think I want to get back and pass that to a helper function which will change the fields to the before state, instantiate the FormAuditor class, run a single BeforeUpdate...
TDD – 048 – Refactoring too much (Don’t try this at home)
TDD is all about small changes and then testing and making sure things continue to run. I made the mistake yesterday of trying to refactor too much at once and I ended up leaving my system in an unrunnable state. Ideally, as you are developing, each change you make is...
TDD – 047 – Refactoring to make field changes simpler
Ok, so now why am I creating all these objects in my test? How about creating the objects I want to see returned and use those to run the test on the form and then see if it's the same objects I get back? I kinda feel like that is making the tests brittle because I'm...
TDD – 046 – Using ParamArray in VBA subs
We are in a refactor cycle, so it's time to look at my mess and see what I can do to clean it up a bit. I had to make a number of changes to the test in order to test multiple fields at once. It didn't work with my existing function which changed a single field and...
TDD – 045 – And with several more implementation details added, the test passes!
I am working on passing the test: WhenTwoTextFieldsChangeBeforeAndAfterValuesAreReturned. Right now it is getting a compile error in the FieldChanged function because in the loop over the controls I am trying to pass the variant Fld variable, which the function...
TDD – 044 – Fixing the test and adding the loop
This one is broken because I am not looping through the fields to get the correct object set up and I had hard coded the Dictionary entry with the index “TestText” Me - yesterday I am also seeing that my test isn't actually doing what I want. The test is using the...
TDD – 043 – Lots of a test failing
Our next failing test will be based around getting multiple fields changed and returned within the BeforeUpdate event. '@TestMethod("Verify Changes") Private Sub WhenTwoTextFieldsChangeBeforeAndAfterValuesAreReturned() Dim testFormAuditor As FormAuditor Dim...
TDD – 042 – Working toward “the answer”
Starting with this non-passing test: '@TestMethod("Verify Changes") Private Sub WhenTextFieldChangesBeforeAndAfterValuesAreReturned() Dim testFormAuditor As FormAuditor Dim testCollection As New Collection ChangeTestText "BeforeValue" Set testFormAuditor = New...
TDD – 041 – My Test Writing Spawns 2 New Simple Objects
My next test will be to make a single change to a field’s value from “start” to “end” and verify that the name of that field and those values are returned. Me - last time And away we go. A failing test to change the field's value from one known value to another and...
TDD – 040 – Putting some thought into the next test
Ok, time to review the list and pick something else to start testing. I did spend some time in the article posted by Kent Beck last time: Canon TDD - by Kent Beck - Software Design: Tidy First? ( I'm going to have to review it some more and probably grab...
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