Access JumpStart 2.0 | Blog
A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access
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TDD – 059 – Add a triple state checkbox test
Now I am going to add a triple state checkbox to the form. I have added a new text field that can be nullable, and bound a new "TestCheckTripleState" checkbox to it. The reason for this is that a "Yes/No" Access field cannot be null. It can only be true or false which...
TDD – 058 – Add a checkbox test
I'm going to start the next test with something simple. A new type of field. I will add a checkbox to the test form and bind it to a Yes/No field and write a test to check to see if it updates the values as expected. I added the checkbox to the form, added a new...
TDD – 057 – Tests refactored and ready to continue building more tests!
With the new set of functions that I've refactored last time, I'm going to update the other functions to use them. So let's go back to the first 3 counting tests and use the dictionary creation function to make them more readable. Here they are now:...
TDD – 056 – Added functions to increase test readability
This test I refactored yesterday to use the new functions which all the tests are using. '@TestMethod("Count Changes") Private Sub WhenTwoFieldsAreChangedThenReturnTwoEntryListOfChanges() Dim testFormAuditor As FormAuditor, dctInput As New Scripting.Dictionary Set...
TDD – 055 – All count tests refactored, but final test still rather unreadable
Today I will refactor the remaining test from the Count group which is counting returned times the BeforeUpdate was triggered. Here is the test I am working to refactor: '@TestMethod("Count Changes") Private Sub WhenTwoFieldsAreChangedThenReturnTwoEntryListOfChanges()...
TDD – 054 – Refactoring 2 more counting tests and starting on a third
It is time to refactor the remaining counting tests. Here they are pre refactor: '@TestMethod("Count Changes") Private Sub WhenTwoFieldsAreChangedThenReturnTwoEntryListOfChanges() Dim testFormAuditor As FormAuditor Dim testCollection As Collection Set testFormAuditor...
TDD – 053 – Refactoring the previous tests to use the new functions
Last Test Driven Development session I refactored the last test I did to make it easier to read and understand. I created a couple of helper functions to do this. Functions that would take specified inputs, update the fields, then test to see if the resulting audit...
Customizing Access: Open without Access window displayed
Yesterday we discussed replacing the Access Splash Screen with your own custom bitmap. Today We will discuss how to launch the app without seeing the Access database window and just using your main form. The technique involves a few different Access settings and a...
Customizing Access: Replace the splash screen
There are some nice little features of Access and some nice tutorials and articles out there to help launch an Access app without making it obvious to the user it is an Access app. The first one I'm going to discuss today is: Replacing the Access Splash Screen When...
Access JumpStart – The Documentation
I started a series on Access JumpStart yesterday with an overall summary of what we were trying to accomplish with it within our company and as a product. Internally we are currently using AJS version 2.1, and we are packaging it up now to update on our web site. For...
Access Programming – What I do and Why (Access JumpStart)
What is Access JumpStart? Thanks for asking. Access JumpStart is our collective work as a two man programming outfit to share common code for our apps across multiple clients, architectures, and configurations. Steve and I call it a framework. It originally was named...
TDD – 052 – Woohoo, refactoring success!
In the last email, I was considering a function that would do all the comparisons of the before and after values of the FieldChanges dictionary in the AuditEventDetails object and the Input dictionary I created. This would return a Boolean. It sounds good as I say it...
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