I wrote up this quick class module a while back to more easily and quickly replace file Input and Inputline functions in code with an array of lines for a file. Basically, I was pre-processing and staging text files into a usable format into a database and wanted to update pre-existing code that had used the same format for input line by line using the VBA file functions.
In the example at the end of the module, I am using a custom function to read an entire CSV file split by vbCrLf into an array.
Let me know if you’re interested in getting that function too.
'Class Module InputSimulatorForArray
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private arrSource As Variant
Private arrElements As Variant
Private LinePos As Long
Private ElePos As Long
Public Sub OpenInput(ArrayToIterate As Variant)
arrSource = ArrayToIterate
If Not EOF Then arrElements = Split(arrSource(0), ",")
LinePos = 0
ElePos = 0
End Sub
Public Sub InputEle(ParamArray Elements() As Variant)
If EOF() Then GoTo Exit_Sub
Dim it As Long
Do While it <= UBound(Elements) And Not EOF
Elements(it) = CStr(arrElements(ElePos))
it = it + 1
If it <= UBound(Elements) And EOF Then Elements(it) = ""
End Sub
Public Sub InputLine(ByRef LineItm As Variant)
If EOF() Then GoTo Exit_Sub
Dim CurLine As Long, EleItm As String
CurLine = LinePos
LineItm = ""
Do While LinePos = CurLine
InputEle EleItm
LineItm = LineItm & EleItm & ","
If Len(LineItm) > 0 Then LineItm = Left(LineItm, Len(LineItm) - 1)
End Sub
Private Sub MoveNextEle()
If ElePos = UBound(arrElements) Then
ElePos = ElePos + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MoveNextLine()
LinePos = LinePos + 1
If EOF() Then GoTo Exit_Sub
arrElements = Split(arrSource(LinePos), ",")
ElePos = 0
End Sub
Public Function EOF() As Boolean
EOF = LinePos > UBound(arrSource)
End Function
'Usage (this was designed to mimic the Input and InputLine functions in VBA):
' Dim is As New InputSimulatorForArray, tmp As Variant, tmp2 As Variant, tmp3 As Variant
' is.OpenInput ReadCsvFileIntoArray("Mycsvfile.csv")
' Do While Not is.EOF()
' is.InputLine tmp
' Debug.Print tmp
' Loop
'For individual elements you can do this:
' is.OpenInput ReadCsvFileIntoArray("Mycsvfile.csv")
' Do While Not is.EOF()
' is.InputEle tmp, tmp2, tmp3
' Debug.Print tmp, tmp2, tmp3
' Loop