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This is a very simple pattern. It simply is an object that does a command. It is defined by an Interface with a run() method like this:

'Class Module Command
' To be used to Implement as an interface
Option Explicit

Public Sub run()
End Sub

An interface doesn’t get much simpler than this.

So how might we use it to good effect?

If we are creating other Classes that are going to do things, we can implement this interface and create another class to manage and initialize the commands. Here is an example of a class that implements Command:

'Class Module SendEmailCommand
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Implements Command

Private p_recipient As String
Private p_subject As String
Private p_body As String

Public Sub Init(recipient As String, subject As String, body As String)
    p_recipient = recipient
    p_subject = subject
    p_body = body
End Sub

Private Sub Command_run()
    ' Code to send email
    MsgBox "Sending email to " & p_recipient
End Sub

This next class would store and run the commands:

' Class Module CommandInvoker
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private commands As Collection

Public Sub Init()
    Set commands = New Collection
End Sub

Public Sub AddCommand(cmd As Command)
    commands.Add cmd
End Sub

Public Sub ExecuteCommands()
    Dim cmdIterator As Variant
    Dim cmd As Command
    For Each cmdIterator In commands
        Set cmd = cmdIterator
    Next cmdIterator
End Sub

And here is an example. You could batch emails to send, or group them as you wished. You could use code to schedule them to be sent at intervals like every 90 seconds. There are many possibilities.

' Command Pattern usage test added to a normal Module
Sub UseCommandPattern()
    Dim invoker As New CommandInvoker

    Dim emailCommand As New SendEmailCommand
    emailCommand.Init "[email protected]", "Subject", "Body"
    invoker.AddCommand emailCommand

End Sub

Other uses for the pattern might include maintaining a list of commands that have been executed in a user interface and implementing an undo / redo mechanism for the actions.