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A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access

Just a quick note today. I wanted to add the call stack to my error log messages for my client app. That way I could see the full set of calls that was causing the error and it would help me debug better.

For example, if I pass bad SQL to my SQL Executing function, I was just getting the error logged from that function saying it didn’t work and what the error message was. It was not showing me the form the user was calling it from.

Check out this info I was able to build using vbWatchdog’s Callstack object:

vbW: Error #2501 - The OpenForm action was canceled.
---> utility_functions.ECI_OpenForm: Line 2, VBA: DoCmd.OpenForm Formname, View, FilterName, WhereCondition, DataMode, WindowMode, OpenArgs
---> ECI_ApScreenController.CheckForDifferencesFromPo: Line 1, VBA: ECI_OpenForm "ap_check_for_po_modifications", acNormal, , , , acDialog
---> ECI_ApScreenController.InitializeFormForEditing: Line 16, VBA: CheckForDifferencesFromPo
---> ECI_ApScreenController.Mode: Line 7, VBA: InitializeFormForEditing
---> ECI_ApScreenController.ResetMode: Line 4, VBA: Mode = "Edit" Else
---> ECI_ApScreenController.evtfrm_Current: Line 1, VBA: ResetMode
---> utility_functions.ECI_OpenForm: Line 2, VBA: DoCmd.OpenForm Formname, View, FilterName, WhereCondition, DataMode, WindowMode, OpenArgs
---> Form_order_invoice_inquiry.order_choice_AfterUpdate: Line 8, VBA: ECI_OpenForm "order_invoice", , , "order_invoice_id = " & lngOI_ID

This is pretty sweet. I used the example from the vbWatchdog documentation to build this little loop that created the above output:

   ' -------
   ' Added variable and putlog to app to get more info logged on errors.
   strCallStack = "vbW: Error #" & CStr(ErrEx.Number) & " - " & CStr(ErrEx.Description) & vbLf
   With ErrEx.Callstack
      strCallStack = strCallStack & "---> " & .ModuleName & "." & .ProcedureName & ": Line " & _
         .LineNumber & ", VBA: " & .LineCode & vbLf
   Loop While .NextLevel
   End With
   AJS.putLog strCallStack
   ' -------