Access JumpStart 2.0 | Blog

A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access

Within about an hour this morning I had 6 customers communicating with me this morning via email right before an hour long customer meeting. I whipped off answers as needed, scheduled calls for later in the week, blended up some code fixes and researched buggy behavior. I felt like the Tasmanian devil as my brain went in to overload and all I could do was make strange Tasmanian noises.

You would think with 6 customers I would be making plenty of money, but I was also struggling with a miniscule payroll this week and balancing bill payments. STRESS! With my meeting, I was able to focus on a single customer for an hour after my musical chairs with 6 customer communications was over, and then snarfed down lunch before going to another hour long meeting, but for a church committee.

My brain didn’t exactly freeze though until I got to trying to write my daily article today. I ran some errands after my church committee meeting and then sat down to finish Part 4 of my refactoring article, but I just sat there. I kept trying to make my brain tackle the refactoring, but it kept re-running the code as it already was over and over in my head. This was the brain freeze. After 45 minutes of this, I finally decided I had just CHOKED and wrote this article instead. Ahh, very good. This just rattled off the tip of my brain. I guess sometimes we all need a change of pace. And sometimes we need to blow off steam instead of programming something. Of course, maybe you blow off steam BY programming something. Certainly I’ll head off to my next tasks a little less worse for the wear.

So there it is. I hope you can relate some portion of your life to this, or get a good laugh, and that I have somehow made the world a little bit better today. Let me know.