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A Rapid Development Framework for Microsoft Access

Karl Donaubauer hosted the Access development team at his German Access Developers Conference and there are some cool things coming down the pipe for us. One of them is re-integrating source code control back into Access:

At one time Access VBA was integrated with Visual SourceSafe, a discontinued product that allowed teams to maintain varying levels of source code control with the version. It had it’s own custom repository and was not compatible with other source control products at the time.

The plan is to allow using Git with Access out of the box. Since Microsoft now owns Git this makes sense.

It seems that the feature would basically need to continue to export VBA as text in some format and that is more what I am currently interested in. I use SVN (Subversion) and the OASIS-SVN Access Add-in to export objects to files to be stored in the repository. It will be interesting to see how this progresses and if they address some of the issues with Access that make source control more difficult than in other products. Definitely a development I didn’t expect and that piques my interest.

Access is not dying anytime soon!